Life's a Pumpkin

Living one great, big adventure in New Zealand!

Reviving Traditions

Hi dear family and friends!

I had a dream the other day and it went something like this: go big or go home. So I decided to go big.

Go big or go home

What did I decide to do?

I decided to start my own REAL blog. Ah! Don’t get me wrong… the “” is nice and all, but the tail kinda limits you when you want to fly. Know what I mean?

The purpose of the blog is much the same as has been with Life’s a Coconut. It’s just BIGGER.

And better.

And really pretty too.

It’s called Reviving Traditions. (that’s right, my own ‘.com’) is all about getting back to all-things natural and homemade and delicious and lovely.

These are the core values of Reviving Traditions:

Reviving Traditional Food Prep


My mama taught me how to make pickles and sauerkraut, as did her mama and the mama before that. Before there were modern preservatives and Monsanto, there were nutrient-rich foods that naturally worked towards helping people to maintain good health, i.e. little to no heart disease, little to no acid-reflux, hardly any thyroid “isms”, and healthier hair/skin/nails/teeth. Our ancestors used food prep methods that were passed down from one generation to the next. Our ancestors who kept to the straight and narrow path of “everything in moderation” but still ate butter, whole milk, and meat fat were relatively free of modern diseases. How you may ask? Simple. They let real-food be their medicine.

Reviving Simple Living

Simple Living

My husband taught me simplicity. I grew up an immigrant in the US…so naturally I wanted what we couldn’t afford. My husband taught me to live within our means. In 2013 we paid off $140,000 in student loans, will continue to live debt-free, and will save up so that we can be a blessing to others and leave an inheritance for our children. We choose to live within our means, eat home-made foods, enjoy God’s creation, and find fulfillment in relationships and community. Simple living is making  need>>want choices today so that we can have less stress tomorrow.

Reviving Family Values

Simple Living1

The bible taught me how to value people and live with morals. The essence of what the gospel of Jesus teaches is to love God and love people. I believe when we do that, everything is in proper order: our marriage is stable, our kids have sound emotional health, and the community we are part of is blessed not cursed. There are no formulas for good marriages or good kids. Love isn’t a formula.


So check it out. I have spent many long hours to make it look just right. I hope you like it! 

By the way, do you like the subtitle? What about something like this: “Real food. Real simple. Just like mama used to do.” ? I’d love your input. Just click on the picture below to be redirected to

Real food. Real simple. Just like mama used to do.

Remember to “like” my page (Reviving Traditions) on facebook 🙂


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This entry was posted on February 10, 2014 by in Simply Living.

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